1.     These Terms and Conditions will be applied to LIAM GALLAGHER AND FRIENDS MALTA WEEKENDER 2024 taking place between Thursday 19th September – 23th September 2024 (hereafter known as “theEvent”). Odel Co. Limited (hereafter known as “we” or “our”), a registeredcompany in Malta whose registered office is at Numero Uno, Ta’ Qali CraftsVillage, Attard. In these Terms and Conditions references to “you” and “your”means any person who has purchased a ticket to attend the Event.

2.     Odel Co. Limited - LIAM GALLAGHER AND FRIENDS MALTA WEEKENDER 2024 will be a cashless event.

3.     When you arrive at the Event, your ticket will be swapped for awristband which must remain on Your wrist for the duration of the event as thiswill ensure You can access all areas within the Event.

4.     An activation fee of €2.50 will be applied when thewristband is activated during the event, however the activation fee will bewaived if the wristband is activated before the event by means of a top-up onthe cashless portal.

5.     You MUST NOT remove the wristband, or your ticket will become void.You may not tamper with Your wristband. If we reasonably believe you havetampered with Your wristband, we reserve the right to disable Your wristbandand/or reject You from the Event.

6.     Your wristband will act as your ‘digital wallet’ within the Eventgrounds. You will only be able to pay for goods and services (including but notlimited to food, beverages, and merchandise) at the Event site using Yourwristband (and not using cash).

7.   We recommend that youregister your wristband at the event online portal, you can find theinstructions at*Please note: There might be a delaybetween your portal and the synchronization to the devices.

8.   During the event, youcan load money onto Your wristband at one of our top up stations. The Top-upStation will accept Cash and Cards.

9.   You can also load moneyon Your wristband using the event online portal. The event online portal willbe available before and during the Event. The event online portal accepts alldebit and credit cards.

10.In order to check thebalance on your wristband, you can ask any vendor or top-up staff member toscan your wristband to see how much credit you have remaining, or you can findthe “Balance Check Stations” next to the bars on the Event site. You can alsoregister and log in to the event online portal and check your balance there.

11.You can see your historyof transactions once You register Your wristband on the event online porta
*Please note: There might be a delaybetween Your purchases or top-ups and the time when it reflects in the portal.

12.  In the event You accidentally destroy or lose Your wristband,please find our Attendee Support at the Top-up Station to get a new wristband.

13. In the event You accidentally destroy or lose Your wristband,please note the following:

14. Any credit left on Your wristband will be restored only after we verifyYou are the legitimate owner of the wristband.

15.  We are not responsible for the misuse of lost wristbands or creditloss while the wristband was lost.

16. You are entitled to payout of balance loaded onto Your wristband ifyou do   not get the opportunity to spendit all during the Event. There is a minimum balance of 5 EUR needed on yourcard to make you eligible for a refund. You are not entitled to any form ofrefund (cash or card) during the Event. An exchange rate of 1 EUR = 0.84 GBPwill be used (subject to change in our sole discretion).

17.  In order to claim Your refund online, you must make sure You holdonto Your wristband after the Event and head to the event online portal betweenTuesday 28th May 2024 10 AM CET to Thursday 30th May 2024 1 PM CET to claim a refund forany unused credits left on Your wristband.

18.  Create an account. You will need to provide the followinginformation in order to be able to submit a refund: Name, Email and Date ofbirth are needed for creating an account. A Valid Ticket Number is needed toaccess the portal. Your IBAN and BIC are needed to request a refund.

19.  You will then need to validate Your account by typing your ticketnumber or Your wristband code. You can find the wristband code at the back ofYour wristband chip.

20.  Please then enter Your bank details and receive a refund directlyto Your bank account.

21.  Eligible refunds will be submitted back to Your account within ninetyworking days after the portal closes, unless there is an error in the detailsYou provide which will delay the process. Please keep in mind that it can takeup to 1 week for the bank transfer to appear back in Your account after wesubmit it.

22.  In case there is an error in Your information, we will contact You.If we have not reached out to You, it means your refund went throughsuccessfully and it is being processed.

23.  Neither we, nor Tixify, are party to any contract between you and avendor at the Event and neither we nor Tixify shall be liable for, or inconnection with, any goods or services provided or not provided by any suchvendor.

24.  Neither we nor Tixify accept any liability for any loss or damagewhich is caused to You or any third party as a result of a wristband which islost or stolen or used without permission.

25.  You shall at all times remain responsible for the use of Yourwristband and the activity on Your online account, whether or not the activitywas authorised by You.

26.  Any personal data which You provide to us from time to time inconnection with Your wristband may be used by us and our partners, including,without limitation, Tixify and/or our payment service provider:

a.     to administer Your wristband account, process transactions, provideyou with the assistance and services you request.

b.     to carry out our obligations arising from any contracts enteredinto between you and us; and

c.     to notify You about changes to our service, Website and/or theEvent.

Without prejudice to any of our other rights, we may(without giving You prior notice) terminate our agreement with You, cancel orsuspend your wristband or online account, or refuse a transaction, if we orTixify has reason to believe that the wristband or online account is being usedfraudulently, illegally, or in breach of these Conditions. In thesecircumstances we may refund any unused credit on Your wristband account at ourdiscretion, provided that we act reasonably.